Thank you for your interest in making a donation to the Friends of the Trumbull High School Choirs (FOTHSCI). Every donation makes a difference!
All donations are completely tax deductible and one hundred percent of donations are used to support and enhance choir programs and activities.
Your donation helps the Choirs expand and enrich the programs they are able to offer students. Donations help to offset student costs when the Choirs travel to perform locally, nationally and internationally. Opportunities for educational enrichment include master classes with visiting performers, vocal coaching in preparation of competitions, the funding of a college scholarship for rising seniors, and more.
There are three (3) ways to donate to FOTHSCI.
1. PayPal
Donate with PayPal by clicking here.
2. Venmo
Donate with Venmo by scanning the following QR code or by searching in the Venmo app for fothsci or click here @fothsci.

3. By Check
Send a check to Friends of the Trumbull High School Choirs at this address.
Trumbull High School
FOTHSCI – Friends of Trumbull High School Choir
Attention: Chris Wasko
72 Strobel Road
Trumbull, CT 06611
FOTHSCI Mission Statement:
FOTHSCI Mission Statement: FOTHSCI seeks to further the education of the performance arts through the choral groups at Trumbull High School. Students have the opportunity to travel regionally, nationally and internationally to perform choral music. The choral groups promote music appreciation, teamwork, and the ability to perform for large audiences. Students are fully engaged in the tours and in raising funds to offset travel costs. Students are encouraged to participate in fundraising activities and to contribute a large portion of their own travel expenses.
FOTHSCI subsidizes tour costs, provides opportunity for travel and performance for those of limited means, and supports public education by helping to fill gaps in public financing for the performance arts. FOTHSCI also provides college scholarship opportunities for graduating seniors.